Improving Your Homes Exterior August 17, 2013

Four Tips for Ramping Up a Home’s Exterior Appeal

When selling a home, we often neglect some outside spaces while highlighting only the inside. However, a home's outdoor space will set the first impression to prospective homebuyers.

A recent Realty Times article by Lillian Montalto offers some of the following tips on ramping up the curb appeal of these outdoor spaces:

Garage spaces: "Invest in trays, bins, shelving, and anything else that will organize the space," Montalto wrote. "Stow similar objects together. Hang items on wall hooks when possible. And above all, make certain there isn't an overload of equipment to begin with, even if you need to store larger items at a storage unit or friend's house."

Patios and decks: Declutter, restain (if needed), and pressure-wash the bricks, pavers, and outdoor furniture.

Yard: Fix any sidewalks, driveway, or walkway cracks. Ensure sellers mow the lawn and make sure nothing is overgrown or blocking any views of the home from the street. Spruce up the yard with colorful flowers and planters.

Exteriors: Fix any peeling paint and trim, and make sure windows are sparkling clean. Also, take careful note that any exterior hardware and the house numbers are in good shape.

Preparing to sell and curious what improvements would give you top dollar for you home? Give us a call, we are happy to take a look at your home and provide you with money saving home improvment advice. Give us a call, we love to talk shop!

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Five Star Real Estate Professionals
Windermere Real Estate
Call/Text: 206-769-9577


Selling Your Seattle Area Home August 16, 2013

Friday Funny for Real Estate

Real Estate Prices Over 30 Years August 16, 2013

Real Estate Prices Over 30 Years

This infographic shows how home prices have appreciated over the last thirty years. How many investments provide a great return on investment and provide you a place to live?

If you are considering purchasing a home for the first time of the tenth time, give us a call, we would love to speak with you about your investment goals.

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Winderemere Real Estate
Best In Client Satisfaction
Call/Text 206-769-9577


Home Loans August 15, 2013

Nine must-dos after loan preapproval

Nine must-dos after loan preapproval

By Michele Lerner of

While it may seem obvious that you need to keep paying your bills during the period between a loan preapproval and your settlement date, some would-be borrowers neglect their finances in the excitement of shopping for a home.

"A preapproval letter is typically valid for 90 days but with the disclaimer that if anything changes with your finances it can impact your preapproval," says Patricia Napgezek, a senior loan officer with Inlanta Mortgage in Brookfield, Wis. "After 90 days, we can do a renewal letter with a recheck of your pay stubs and credit."

Read the entire article HERE.

If you are considering buying a home or refinancing, give us a call, we'd be ahppy to put you in touch with a reputable lender. It's not always the best rate that gets you the best deal!

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Windermere Real Estate/FN
Client Satisfaction All-Stars

First Time Home Buyers August 15, 2013

A Message to Millennials for Our Future

by Justin DeCesare

I spend a lot of time defending the work habits and dedication of my generation. Yet, I still wonder at times why we aren’t all as cynical and jaded as the media would like to portray us.

Everything from the PRISM scandal to the everyday politically motivated Washington gridlock on items such as student loan rates have left many of us feeling weary of our place in the political and economic infrastructure.

In Walter Hickey’s article on Business Insider, he quoted President Obama in his recent interview with Zillow CEO Spencer Rascoff as saying:

Jacob looked like a pretty young guy, renting is probably the best option.”

While I don’t think this quote was meant to minimize the economic struggle of Millennials, it just seems to add to the stream of media attention that fails to see the impact we will have on the overall recovery.

We are at a turning point in our society. Prices have bottomed, affordability indexes are low, and jobs are coming back on line.

No matter your age, if you have the financial ability to buy a house, do so right now. Not a year from now…right now. By the time the media finally says Millennials are buying houses, they will be a year behind in their reporting.

Take Action. Today.

Whoever thinks they have a crystal ball is lying to you. No one knows exactly what will happen with the government’s bond buying programs or new housing starts and inventory. However, we do know this:

  • For Now, Money is still Cheap
  • Rental Prices Will Keep Rising

To my Co-Gen-Yers who may come across this blog:

Lifelong wealth is created with a certain amount of risk; however, if you fail to take that risk you will always be stuck in your present situation.

Years from now, there will be people who look back and think to themselves, “I should have bought when I could…That was the perfect time to buy.”

Every type of Real Property is going to appreciate over a 10-20 year period, from commercial buildings, to multi-units, to single family homes.

Our generation is set to play an important role in our economy as there is an ever-growing necessity for technologically advanced degrees and laborers. It is up to you as to whether or not you want this economic growth to shape the rest of your own personal life as well.

Much like the greatest generation at the close of WWII, we have a duty to re-establish a vibrant economy. No one else will do it for us. I realize the economy has not yet fully recovered. But, if everything the media and the politicians say is true, none of us will own houses or have babies until our 50s.

No matter what any pundit says, it is going to take young business people, humanitarians, laborers, and entrepreneurs to take the lead and recreate an America that the Greatest Generation would be proud of.

Leave the cynicism to someone else. It fails in action as much as it does in belief.

Now, it’s our turn.

Considering buying a home? Give us a call, let us share how we can help you find your new home and save you time and money.

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Five Star Professionals
Windermere Real Estate/FN
Call/Text: 206-769-9577

What is an REO? August 15, 2013

What is an REO?

Just a quick video you might watch in case you're wondering
what an "REO" is…


(had someone ask me the other day, so figured I'd
share this…)

If you'd like a weekly updated list of new "REO/Bank Owned" properties
that hit the market in the Seattle area, just send me an email and I will send them to you the moment they hit the Northwest MLS..

Steve Hill
Five Star Real Estate Professional
Windermere Real Estate
Call/Text: 206-769-9577

First Time Home Buyers August 14, 2013

Renters Thinking More about Owning a Home, Say Homeownership is a Top Priority

WASHINGTON (July 25, 2013) – Americans overwhelmingly believe owning a home is a good financial decision and a majority of renters say homeownership is one of their highest priorities for the future, according to a survey by the National Association of Realtors®. The 2013 National Housing Pulse Survey also found that renters are thinking more about purchasing a home now than in past years, while the number of people who say they prefer to rent has declined.

“Homeownership matters to Americans who consistently realize the many benefits it provides to communities, families and the nation’s economy,” said NAR President Gary Thomas, broker-owner of Evergreen Realty, in Villa Park, Calif. “Due to high housing affordability and today’s interest rates it makes sense for people to consider homeownership over renting. In fact, in many parts of the country it’s cheaper to own a home than to rent one. Therefore, it’s no surprise that renters recognize that owning a home offers tremendous long-term benefits and is an investment in their future.”

The survey, which measures consumers’ attitudes and concerns about housing opportunities, found eight in 10 Americans believe buying a home is a good financial decision and more than two-thirds (68 percent) said now is a good time to buy a home. Since the last survey in 2011, more renters are now thinking about purchasing a home, up from 25 percent to 36 percent, while those who say they prefer to rent dropped from 31 percent to 25 percent. Half of renters say that eventually owning a home is one of their highest personal priorities, up from 42 percent to 51 percent.                                                                          

Attitudes toward the housing market have also improved over the years. Nearly four in 10 Americans (38 percent) identified an increase in activity within their local housing market in the past year, compared to just 22 percent who reported a slowdown in activity. By contrast, in 2011 some 51 percent reported a slowdown in activity. There was also less concern than in the past about the drop in home values; a majority said housing prices in their area are more expensive than a year ago.

In addition to these improved attitudes about the housing market, respondents also showed an improved outlook about the national economy. Just under half (48 percent) said job layoffs and unemployment are a big problem, down from 61 percent in 2011. The concern over foreclosures showed a steep decline from 2011 when 47 percent characterized distressed properties as “very” or a “fairly big problem”; today only 29 percent say it’s a problem.

For many Americans, the perceived obstacles to homeownership have remained unchanged over the years; low wages, student loan debt, and little savings for a down payment and closing costs continue to make it difficult for many to become homeowners. Respondents across the board – young and old, college graduates and non-graduates – consider student loan debt to be a large obstacle.

“Student loan debt is a concern for many consumers in today’s market, especially first-time buyers,” said Thomas. “Buyers with student loan debt may find it difficult to access mortgage credit, as well as save for a down payment. Pending mortgage finance regulations requiring higher down payments could also contribute to the already tight lending environment. Realtors® are working with regulators to address this issue and are committed to making sure those who are willing and able to own a home have the opportunity to pursue that dream.”

When asked for reasons why homeownership is important, respondents’ top reasons underscored basic American values and freedoms; they were building equity, wanting a stable and safe environment, and the freedom to choose where to live. While these reasons have remained virtually unchanged since 2011, they do vary slightly according to demographics. The top scoring reason for African-Americans and Hispanics was that homeownership provides stability and a safe environment; women also placed more emphasis on environmental factors than men. Non-college graduates placed stronger emphasis on public schools, owning a home before retirement, and living in a safe and stable environment.

The 2013 National Housing Pulse Survey is conducted by American Strategies and Myers Research & Strategic Services for NAR’s Housing Opportunity Program, which aims to position, educate and help Realtors® promote housing opportunities in their community, in both the rental and homeownership sectors of the market. The telephone survey polled 2,000 adults nationwide and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.

The National Association of Realtors®, “The Voice for Real Estate,” is America’s largest trade association, representing 1 million members involved in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industries.

Considering buyuing a home? Give us a shout, we'd love to help you, Check out our client reviews HERE.

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Windermere Real Estate/FN

Uncategorized August 13, 2013

The Return of the 10 Percent Down Payment

Remember the 10 percent down payment on a house? After virtually disappearing for years, it’s back.

Around the country, some lenders are offering 90 percent financing again on all loan types. For example, San Francisco-based RPM Mortgage resumed offering “piggyback” loans in the first quarter of 2013 after discontinuing them during the height of the credit crisis in late 2007, according to Vice President Julian Hebron. (A piggyback loan enables a home buyer to put only 10 percent down without having to buy mortgage insurance. This is done by getting two loans totaling 90 percent.)

In Monroe, NY, Rosalie Cook of Weichert Realtors says she is seeing buyer down payments range from all cash to as little as 5 percent. Mortgage lender Tom Gildea of Prospect Lending in Rockland County, NY agrees, saying that he’s doing loans with as little as 5 percent down “all day long.” Those 5 percent down deals are with private mortgage insurance, are only for conforming loans (less than $417,000) and are reserved for borrowers with excellent credit, verifiable income and little debt.

Mortgages used to be easy

Before the credit crisis of the mid-2000s, getting a home loan was simple. Your down payment was small — if you even had to make one. To qualify, all you had to do was “state” your income and sign on the dotted line.

Of course, that was the kind of lending that got us into the credit crisis. After the bust, many lenders started requiring a minimum of 20 percent down. Coming up with that much money was a stumbling block for many would-be home buyers. In addition, buyers were already worried about the economy or were uncertain about their jobs, making buying a home not only difficult but also downright scary.

The result: Even though home prices had plummeted and mortgage rates were at historic lows, many potential buyers were forced to sit on the sidelines for years.

Today, many real estate markets around the country are heating up again. While the economic recovery still has its fits and starts, people are feeling confident about their jobs. They’re watching their 401(k) and stock portfolios climb back to pre-2008 levels. And so, they’re out looking for homes to buy again.

Lenders have loosened up but are still cautious

Mortgage lenders are seeing these trends, too, which is why they’re starting to ease down payment restrictions. This time around, though, lenders are much more discerning about who gets to put 10 percent down. As RPM Mortgage’s Hebron puts it: To qualify, your monthly housing, car, student loan, and credit card debt can’t be higher than 45 percent of your monthly income. And you must have a credit score above 700.

The good news is that more potential buyers who otherwise would have been shut out of the market, due to the lack of a 20 percent down payment, can now jump in.

Leveraging cheap money

Even if you have the 20 percent to put down, you might consider opting for a 10 percent down payment instead. For instance, if you’re buying a home that needs a lot of work, you could put 10 percent down and use the other 10 percent to finance improvements. You might even consider investing that 10 percent in stocks or mutual funds, though that comes with obvious risks.

A 10 percent down payment has its disadvantages, too. If you put just 10 percent down and home prices decline later, you could end up underwater — owing more on the mortgage than your home is worth. When that happens, you could be stuck in your home, unable to sell — just as so many homeowners were after the housing crisis kicked in around 2006-2007.

Also, if you have little equity and you go to sell, you could face another problem. The size of your loan, along with the costs of selling your property, could total more than the sale price, a financial hit that can be tough to absorb.

If you qualify for a 10 percent down payment, and it’s the only way you can get into a home, it may be worth the potential risks. Bottom line: Talk to your mortgage professional and real estate agent about your options. Think strategically and long-term about what you’re doing. Don’t just make a 10 percent down payment because you can.

Considering refinancing? Give us a call, we can help you.

Zillow All-Stars!

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Windermere Real Estate/FN

Mill Creek, WA - Best Places to Live 2013 - Money Magazine August 13, 2013

Mill Creek, WA – Best Places to Live 2013 – Money Magazine

Mill Creek, WA

Top 50 rank: 36
Population: 18,834

Originally a planned community built around a golf course, Mill Creek has been steadily growing in size for the past two decades. The area's strong schools (recently testing well above the state average) and affordable homes have been a big draw for families.

While most residents work outside of town, the commute to good technology and aerospace jobs in Seattle is just 30 minutes long. –S.M.

Mill Creek Real Estate Statistics HERE.

Curious about real estates in Mill Creek WA? Just ask me I live there!

Steve Hill
Best In Client Satisfaction
Windermere Real Estate/FN



Home Prices Reduced! August 12, 2013


Here's a quick link to some recently "price reduced"
properties in Seattle and Shoreline.


A recent price reduction might indicate that a seller
is becoming more motivated to accept an offer.

So keeping your eye on these properties might be
a great way for you (or someone you know) to find a great deal.

Here if you need me,

Windermere Real Estate/FN

P.S. –> If you're an active investor or are considering a move sometime soon, just email me… and I can deliver you a daily update of this recent price reductions list…