Real Estate Forms September 11, 2013

10 most important real-estate forms you can’t ignore

By Bill Briggs of SwitchYard Media

If you're buying or selling a home, make way for the ensuing avalanche of documents, online or on paper. But which are absolute musts to read all the way through?

Here are 10 of the most important documents that will come your way as you venture through your transaction journey. Experts say that every homeowner must be familiar with these financial records, legal certificates and lists. They all vary widely in length, depending on your location and the scope and size of the residential deal. Some often are just a page or 10. Some can compose mini-booklets.

But read them — and read on HERE.

If you have any questions about real estate forms, give us a call or text, we are happy to answer any of your questions, call/text 206-769-9577.

Steve Hill and Sandra Brenner
Best In Client Satisfaction
Windermere Real Estate
call/text 206-769-9577