Carkeek Park Restoration Class June 9, 2013

5th Carkeek Forest Restoration Class

5th Carkeek Forest Restoration Class

Starting on August 24th 2013

The Carkeek Forest Restoration Class is a program of 12 Saturday mornings between August 2013 and March 2014, focusing on what you need to know to become involved in volunteer forest work in Carkeek Park (or any other park in the City).  Previous classes were held in 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011.  This program resorts under the Carkeek Park Advisory Council.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Species knowledge
  • Removal of invasive species
  • Planting of trees and shrubs, knowing what to plant where, and why
  • Maintenance/monitoring of plantings
  • A personal assignment

When: Saturday August 24, September 14, September 28 , etc. with ± 2 weeks interval; twelfth class is on February 22, 2014

Roster: Saturday morning, from 8.30 – 12.00; inside work from 8.30 – 10; outside fieldwork from 10 – 12.

Docents: Lex Voorhoeve, retired forest botanist, volunteer at Carkeek Park; Brian Gay, Seattle Parks & Recreation Naturalist; Loren McElvain, Carkeek Park Forest Steward.


–   be able-bodied; working in the forest can be strenuous;

–   be willing to become a volunteer in Carkeek Park or any other park in the City.


Loren McElvain at, 206 782 7617;

Brian Gay at, 206 615 0697;

Lex Voorhoeve at, 206 706 1009