If you are reading this, thank a Veteran.
Veterans Day events in and around Seattle today
A list of selected parades, ceremonies, activities and discounts for veterans on Veterans Day 2012.
Future of Flight Aviation Center honors veterans
Seattle Veterans Museum
SAT-MON Displays to honor U.S. service members and veterans; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday-Monday, west side of Benaroya Hall behind the Remembrance Garden, Second Avenue between Union and University Streets, Seattle; free, donations welcome (425-949-8821 or www.seattleveteransmuseum.org).
SUN-MON Free admission to all U.S. and Canadian military veterans and active duty military with ID, including free Boeing tours on space-available basis, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., last tour at 3 p.m. Sunday-Monday, Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour, 8415 Paine Field Blvd., Mukilteo; $9-$18 (425-438-8100 or www.futureofflight.org).
Veterans Day Memorial Celebration
MON Flag placement at each veteran marker, volunteers needed, 7 a.m.; music, 10:30 a.m., service, 11 a.m. Monday, Evergreen Washelli, 11111 Aurora Ave. N., Seattle (206-362-5200 or www.washelli.com).
Veterans Day, Seattle Children's Museum
MON Learn how veterans help keep us safe, add to community art project, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, Seattle Children's Museum, Seattle Center House, Seattle; $6.50-$7.50 (206-576-2322 or www.thechildrensmuseum.org).
Veterans Day Celebration, Shoreline
MON Program honoring veterans, 2 p.m. Monday, Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Ave. N., Shoreline (cityofshoreline.com).
Veterans Day Tour, Edmonds Memorial Cemetery
MON Local historians lead tour of more than 400 veterans interred dating back to the Civil War, 1 p.m. Monday, Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, 820 15th St. S.W., Edmonds; free (425-776-1543 or cemetery.edmondswa.gov).
Veterans Day, Imagine Children's Museum
MON Activities to honor veterans, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., ROTC presentation of the colors and music, 1 p.m. Monday, 1502 Wall St., Everett; $9, free admission for veterans (425-258-1006 or www.imaginecm.org).
Vet Tix
ONGOING Free tickets available year around for a variety of local and national events for veterans, active military and their families, and next of kin of military members killed in action, sign up at www.vettix.org/signup.php.
Compiled by Madeline McKenzie, Seattle Times staff